Patch AMFI

Disclaimer: I know that there was kernel64patcher released, I just haven't time to test it yet so I'll update this guide when I confirm it's working

To apply necessary kernelpatches you can easily use ra1nsn0w to make all work for you. I plan dive deeply in given patches in next post somewhere in near future to explain how exactly they work.

For this part I recommend you following this guide of @Ralph0045 and @mcg29_. They made really great job and I could learn many things from their guide!

Alternatively you can do It as I did it:

  • Download and install matthew's fork of ra1nsn0w
  • put your device in dfu mode: ipwndfu -p
  • remove sigchecks: python2.7
  • start wikiproxy if needed:
  • run following command to get your kernel patched: ra1nsn0w -t *.shsh2 /path/to/your/restore.ipsw --kernel-save ./kern.dump --sn0wsn0w

Later you need to change type of dumped kernel from krnl to rkrn:

  • Changing type: img4 -i kern.dump -o rkrn.patched -T rkrn Put it back to ipsw folder and replace original one with this.

What was also hinted by rA9 is to create folder called restore inside IPSW and put kernelcache inside. Then in BuildManifest.plist edit patch of RestoreKernelCache to "restore/kernel.release.correctnumberhere"