When done you can simply boot it with ra1nsn0w, I know you can do it without my help ;)
Additionally you can play with boot images, here's some clues:
- Create raw image from png:
./ibootim logo.png logo.raw
- Create im4p with type logo and give it some description - I gave it the same as original:
img4tool -c applelogo.im4p -t logo -d "EmbeddedImages-73.220.6" logo.raw
- Create img4 with previously created im4p and as im4m use your fake blob:
img4tool -p applelogo.im4p -c img.img4 -s ticker.shsh2
- Send it to device:
irecovery -f img.4
- Set it:
irecovery -c "setpicture 1"